Table 3

Results of round 2: specific questions regarding PFD symptoms to include in the screening tool for referral.

Main symptomsQuestion*Round 2
Urinary incontinence
(any type)
Do you usually experience urine leakage?100
Anal incontinenceDo you usually lose stool or gas beyond your control?100
Overactive bladder syndromeDo you usually experience urinary urgency (that is a strong sensation of needing to go to the bathroom) usually accompanied by frequent urination and nocturia?97.1
Pelvic organ prolapseDo you usually have a bulge or something falling out that you can see or feel in your vaginal area?100
Have you ever had to push in the perineal area with your fingers to start or complete a bowel movement or to start or complete urination?61.8
Pelvic painDo you usually experience pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen or genital region?82.4
  • *Question: “Do you agree to include the following symptoms?”

  • **Green indicates >67% of agreement to include the symptom in the tool.

  • PFD, pelvic floor dysfunction.