Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants stratified by level of self-reported MVPA (n=328 228)

CharacteristicsTotal population (N=328 228)IPAQ_MVPA (n=3 10 499)
High (n=113 053)Medium (n=150 763)Low (n=46 683)P value
Mean age (SD) (years)55.9±8.156.2±8.255.6±8.155.1±7.8<0.001
Men148 522 (45.2)52 285 (46.2)68 212 (45.2)21 873 (46.9)<0.001
White ethnicity or race313 783 (95.6)108 619 (96.1)144 313 (95.7)44 393 (95.1)<0.001
Household income (£)<0.001
 Less than 18 00065 250 (19.9)25 634 (22.7)25 367 (16.8)7469 (16.0)
 18 000–30 99982 782 (25.2)31 830 (28.2)35 434 (23.5)10 351 (22.2)
 31 000–51 99988 932 (27.1)30 340 (26.8)41 676 (27.6)13 256 (28.4)
 52 000–100 00071 789 (21.9)20 335 (18.0)37 255 (24.7)12 388 (26.5)
 Greater than 100 00019 475 (5.9)4914 (4.3)11 031 (7.3)3219 (6.9)
 None43 483 (13.2)18 350 (16.2)14 578 (9.7)4640 (9.9)
 O/CSE or equivalent88 309 (26.9)33 348 (29.5)37 505 (24.9)12 432 (26.6)
 A/NVQ/professional or equivalent77 006 (23.5)27 462 (24.3)34 761 (23.1)11 006 (23.6)
 College/university119 430 (36.4)33 893 (30.0)63 919 (42.4)18 605 (39.9)
 Employed311 760 (95.0)107 396 (95.0)143 745 (95.3)44 382 (95.1)
 Unemployed16 468 (5.0)5657 (5.0)7018 (4.7)2301 (4.9)
Townsend Index tertile<0.001
 First111 076 (33.8)36 884 (32.6)52 896 (35.1)16 539 (35.4)
 Second110 210 (33.6)38 274 (33.9)50 534 (33.5)15 760 (33.8)
 Third106 942 (32.6)37 895 (33.5)47 333 (31.4)14 384 (30.8)
Smoking status<0.001
 Never182 037 (55.5)61 552 (54.4)85 281 (56.6)25 936 (55.6)
 Previous113 664 (34.6)39 835 (35.2)52 203 (34.6)15 601 (33.4)
 Current32 527 (9.9)11 666 (10.3)13 279 (8.8)5146 (11.0)
Alcohol status<0.001
 Never11 384 (3.5)3859 (3.4)4634 (3.1)1742 (3.7)
 Previous9530 (2.9)3520 (3.1)3893 (2.6)1357 (2.9)
 Current307 314 (93.6)105 674 (93.5)142 236 (94.3)43 584 (93.4)
Sleep pattern<0.001
 Poor22 062 (6.7)7168 (6.3)9361 (6.2)3752 (8.0)
 Intermediate185 713 (56.6)62 458 (55.2)84 495 (56.0)28 091 (60.2)
 Healthy120 453 (36.7)43 427 (38.4)56 907 (37.7)14 840 (31.8)
Diet pattern<0.001
 Poor20 120 (6.1)6314 (5.6)8370 (5.6)4150 (8.9)
 Reasonable201 082 (61.3)66 724 (59.0)92 368 (61.3)30 747 (65.9)
 Good107 026 (32.6)40 015 (35.4)50 025 (33.2)11 786 (25.2)
Body mass index<0.001
 Normal weight112 801 (34.4)41 601 (36.8)53 460 (35.5)12 892 (27.6)
 Overweight141 884 (43.2)49 178 (43.5)65 555 (43.5)19 801 (42.4)
 Obesity73 543 (22.4)22 274 (19.7)31 748 (21.1)13 990 (30.0)
Self-rated health
 Excellent61 350 (18.7)24 460 (21.6)29 240 (19.4)5966 (12.8)<0.001
 Good201 826 (61.5)69 432 (61.4)94 153 (62.5)27 827 (59.6)
 Fair65 052 (19.8)19 161 (16.9)27 370 (18.2)12 890 (27.6)
  • Participants’ self-reported moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (IPAQ_MVPA) measured using the IPAQ was categorised as low (<600 MET-min/week), medium (600–<3000 MET-min/week), and high (≥3000 MET-min/week). Townsend Index (including measures of unemployment, non-car ownership, non-home ownership and household overcrowding), derived from respondents’ postcode was used as an indicator of area-level SES. We categorised Townsend Index into tertiles where the lowest score indicated the highest area-level SES. Employment status is categorised as employed (includes paid employment or self-employed, retired, paid or voluntary work or student) and unemployed (includes looking after home and/or family, unable to work and unemployed). O/CSE or equivalent is O level/ Certificate of Secondary Education or equivalent. A/NVQ/professional or equivalent is A level/ National Vocational Qualification, other professional qualifications such as nursing, teaching or equivalent. Sleep pattern is derived using sleep duration, chronotype, insomnia, snoring and dozing. Diet pattern is derived using intake of fruits and vegetables, fish (oily and non-oily), red meat (beef, pork and lamb) and proceeded meat intake. Body mass index is categorised as normal weight (18.5–<25 kg/m2), overweight (25.0–<30 kg/m2) and obesity (≥ 30 kg/m2).

  • Values in the table are frequencies and percentages unless otherwise stated. Differences between groups was tested using one-way analysis of variance for age and using χ2 test for other variables.

  • IPAQ, International Physical Activity Questionnaire; IPAQ_MVPA, self-reported moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; MET, metabolic equivalent; MVPA, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; SES, socioeconomic status.