Table 3

Potential REDs performance outcomes that can result from problematic LEA

SpokeExamples of direct or indirect impairmentAthletic populations with LEA (assessed directly or via surrogates) providing evidence of impairment
Decreased athlete availability (illness and injury)Increase in training days lost or modified due to illness or injury (eg, impaired preparation)

Inability to compete at key competitions due to illness or injury
Tier 4* FA (n=85) and MA (n=47) Olympic athletes from 11 different sports10
Tier 4 FA (n=55) and MA (n=26) Olympic athletes from 11 different sports269
Tier 4 FA endurance athletes (n=45)214
Tier 4 FA endurance athletes (n=13)274
Tier 3 FA college athletes (n=116) from endurance, power and team sports275
Unspecified Tier FA high-school athletes (n=163) from endurance, power and team sports276
Unspecified Tier FA high-school athletes (n=249) from aesthetic, endurance and team sports277
A mix of Tier 1–4 FA (n=833)270
Tier 2 FA figure skaters (n=137)278

Tier 4 FA endurance athletes (n=13)274
Unspecified Tier FA high school athletes (n=163) from endurance, power and team sports276
Decreased training responseDecreased rather than increased performance of treadmill protocol following 4 weeks intensified training plus 2 weeks recovery

Reduced performance of 5 km on-water rowing following a period of intensified training

Reduced swimming velocity in 400 m time trial after 12 weeks of training

Self-reported reduction in training response

Decreased aerobic (4000 m time trial) and anaerobic (15 s) performance after 2 weeks intensified training including inadequate energy intake
Tier 2 club level FA endurance runners (n=16)71

Tier 4 national level MA (n=5) and FA rowers (n=5)279

Tier 3 junior national level FA swimmers (n=10)168

Unspecified mixed tier FA (n=1000)8

Tier 3 MA road cyclists (n=13)106
Decreased recoveryDirect: self-reported failure to recover between training sessions

Indirect: reduced glycogen synthesis

Indirect: reduced muscle protein synthesis

Indirect: reduced PCr recovery
Tier 4 FA (n=8) and MA (n=4) lightweight rowers76

Tier 3 MA endurance runners (n=7)48
Tier 1 MA (n=6) and FA (n=7) endurance athletes261

Unspecified tier resistance-trained FA (n=7) and MA (n=8)257

Tier 2 FA (n=19) endurance athletes280
Decreased cognitive performance/skillReduced reaction time
Self-reported impaired judgement and decreased coordination and concentration
Tier 4 FA endurance athletes (n=30)184
Unspecified tier FA (n=1000)8
Decreased motivationDecreased well-being
Increase in total mood disturbance (eg, fatigue, vigour)
Self-reported increase in irritability and depression
Emotional lability
Increased irritability
Increase in total mood disturbance and general stress
Self-reported decrease in mood, emotional self-regulation, concentration, social interaction, food anxiety
Tier 3 MA endurance athletes (n=18)90
Tier 4 national level MA (n=5) and FA rowers (n=5)279
Unspecified tier FA (n=1000)8
Tier 2–4 Mix of sports FA (n=8)67
Tier 3 Endurance FA (n=10) and MA (n=2)67
Tier 3 MA Road cyclists (n=13)106
Tier 4 FA (n=8) and MA (n=4) lightweight rowers76
Decreased muscle strengthDecreased neuromuscular strength
Decreased explosive power (countermovement jump)
Decreased explosive power (countermovement jump, reactive jump)
Decreased concentric hamstring peak torque
Decreased isometric bench press
Decreased one rep max squat, bench press, deadlift
Decreased concentric and eccentric peak force
er 4 FA endurance athletes (n=30)184
Tier 3 MA endurance athletes (n=18)90
Tier 2–3 MA bodybuilder (n=1)281
Tier 2 junior elite FA cross country skiers (n=19)282
Tier 2–3 MA bodybuilder (n=1)85
Tier 2–3 FA fitness competitors (n=27)188
Tier 2–3 MA bodybuilder (n=1)244
Tier 2–3 FA physique athlete (n=1)283
Decreased endurance performanceDecreased performance of treadmill run protocol
Reduced 5 km on-water rowing performance
Decreased neuromuscular endurance
Self-reported reduction in endurance performance

Decreased VO2 max

Apparent underperformance in 60 min functional power threshold vs training load
Decreased performance of 4000 m time trial
Self-reported decrease in rowing performance
Tier 2 club level FA endurance runners (n=16)71
Tier 4 national level MA (n=5) and FA rowers (n=5)279
Tier 4 FA endurance athletes (n=30)184
Unspecified Tier FA athletes (n=1000)54

Tier 3–4 FA endurance athletes (n=33)284
Tier 3 MA road cyclists (n=50)18
Tier 3 MA road cyclists (n=13)106

Tier 4 FA (n=8) and M (n=4) lightweight rowers76
Decreased power performanceReduced velocity during 400 m swim time trial
Decreased anaerobic (Wingate) performance
Decreased number of throws in a Judo Specific Fitness Test
Decreased performance of 15 s cycling sprint
Tier 3 junior national level FA swimmers (n=10)168
Tier 2–3 MA bodybuilder (n=1)50
Tier 2 MA second and third Dan black belt Judo athletes (n=11)104
Tier 3 MA road cyclists (n=13)106
  • Each outcome can occur in the absence of LEA; therefore a differential diagnosis should always be considered in the assessment of REDs severity and/or risk.

  • *Tiering system according to McKay et al.31

  • FA, female athlete; MA, male athlete; PCr, phosphorylated creatine; VO2 max, maximal oxygen consumption.