Table 1

The grouping of biomechanical variable in each construct

Lateral ankle sprain injury
Postural stabilityAP/ML COP length25 28AP/ML COP amplitude25 28COP velocity25 28AP/ML root mean square sway25 34Sway area25 34Time to stabilisation32 3395% ellipse sway area25 34
LocomotionGait/walking speed29–31Time in double leg support29–31Step length29–31Cadence30 31
Anterior cruciate ligament injury
Frontal plane kinematicsHip abduction89Knee abduction89
Frontal plane kineticsInternal knee adduction81 89
Sagittal plane kinematicsHip flexion80–82Knee flexion80–82Ankle dorsiflexion83 98
Sagittal plane kineticsInternal hip extension80 82Internal knee extension80 82
Impact loadingvGRF80–82Loading rate90
Trunk mechanismTrunk flexion94 99Trunk lateral flexion96 97 99
  • The arrows indicate the unfavourable direction of a given variable.

  • AP, anterior-posterior; COM, centre of mass; COP, centre of pressure; ML, medial-lateral; vGRF, vertical ground reaction force.