Table 4

Percentage satisfied with treatment results and the difference in treatment satisfaction between Q1 and Q5 at each time point*

Q1Q5RR (95% CI)P value
6 weeks58.3% (21/36)63.3% (19/30)0.94 (0.64 to 1.37)0.75
12 weeks56.3% (18/32)53.6% (15/28)1.07 (0.65 to 1.73)0.80
24 weeks77.4% (24/31)69.2% (18/26)1.10 (0.80 to 1.51)0.56
  • The estimated difference is reported using risk ratio (RR). The RRs were derived using modified Poisson regression analysis.

  • *Adjusted for sex, BMI, age, symptom duration and AAS.

  • AAS, Ankle Activity Score; BMI, body mass index.