Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the included and excluded participants

Included participants, with at least one hip included (n=744)Excluded participants, with both hips excluded (n=258)P value
Age, years55.7 (5.2)56.6 (5.2)0.01
BMI, kg/m226.2 (4.0)26.0 (4.0)0.43
Height, cm*169.8 (8.4)170.1 (8.0)0.49
Weight, kg*75.8 (13.2)75.2 (14.2)0.79
 Male146 (20%)64 (25%)0.08
 Female598 (80%)194 (75%)
  • Values are mean (SD) or number (percentage).

  • Included participants had either one or both hips included in the analysis. In excluded participants, both hips were excluded.

  • Bold value represent statistical significant difference (p<0.05).

  • *For height and weight, total n=848 persons (154 missing).

  • BMI, body mass index.