Table 3

Punching force (N) in performance 1 and 2 for massage and passive rest interventions

Performance and roundMassagePassive rest
Values are mean (SEM).
Performance 1 round 11206 (69)1220 (77)
Performance 1 round 21283 (68)1267 (89)
Performance 1 round 31300 (73)1230 (90)
Performance 1 round 41275 (71)1226 (85)
Performance 1 round 51263 (72)1239 (82)
Performance 2 round 11196 (72)1179 (86)
Performance 2 round 21246 (68)1209 (84)
Performance 2 round 31239 (60)1207 (84)
Performance 2 round 41234 (66)1220 (89)
Performance 2 round 51288 (68)1254 (84)