Table 1

General characteristics and red blood cell variables of the highly trained and untrained groups

VariableHighly trained group (n=876)Untrained group (n=357)p Value
Values are mean (SEM). RBC, red blood cell count; Hct, packed cell volume; Hb, haemoglobin concentration; MCV, mean corpuscular volume.
Age (years)14.01 (0.06)14.58 (0.09)NS
Weight (kg)56.24 (0.52)57.75 (0.67)NS
Height (cm)165.51 (0.44)166.09 (0.54)NS
Duration of training (years)3.52 (0.07)
RBC (× 1012/l)4.61 (0.01)4.75 (0.02)0.001
Hct (l/l)0.389 (0.001)0.404 (0.002)0.001
Hb (g/l)133.01 (0.38)139.97 (0.62)0.001
MCV (fl)85.22 (0.18)85.24 (0.30)NS