Table 3

Baseline and final measurements of range of motion together with differences for dancers and controls, given as mean (SD)

Non-hip ER = turnout in standing of right leg − supine ER of right leg.
*Significant difference from controls (p<0.05).
**Significant difference from controls (p<0.01).
†Significant difference from baseline (p<0.01).
ER, external rotation; IR, internal rotation; DF, dorsiflexion.
Hip rotation (°)
Internal26.9 (14.5)**35.8 (8.5)39.0 (11.5)37.2 (11.6)12.5 (13.5)†**0.5 (13.9)
External33.3 (12.3)36.7 (10.2)45.0 (12.2)47.2 (9.6)11.7 (11.3)†8.1 (17.6)†
ER:IR1.5 (0.9)*1.1 (0.4)1.2 (0.5)1.5 (1.4)−0.3 (0.9)0.5 (1.2)
Non-hip ER (°)12.4 (11.2)10.5 (11.9)7.8 (13.9)3.6 (15.6)−4.6 (12.6)†−7.0 (18.4)†
Turnout (°)
Right45.6 (10.2)47.2 (9.3)52.8 (7.2)*48.4 (10.0)7.2 (9.8)†**1.1 (11.2)
Left46.9 (9.6)46.9 (8.4)51.7 (6.4)48.0 (8.8)4.3 (8.4)1.1 (9.9)
Total92.5 (19.2)94.1 (16.8)104.5 (12.7)**96.3 (17.9)12.0 (16.7)†**2.2 (20.0)
Ankle DF (°)32.9 (6.0)29.9 (6.4)33.8 (6.2)30.0 (7.2)0.9 (5.4)0.1 (7.3)
Calf length (°)25.3 (8.6)26.1 (9.0)28.8 (7.2)27.7 (8.8)3.5 (7.2)†1.6 (9.9)†