Table 2

Mean (SEM) number of laps for year 8 and year 10 boys and girls for the frequency of participation question, the duration of participation question, and for responses to the two questions categorised into two categories of participation

Year 8Year 10
Boys (n=557)Girls (n=515)Boys (n=525)Girls (n=429)
*Significantly different from active (p<0.01).
Active48.0 (1.73)33.3 (1.99)66.2 (2.38)39.7 (2.10)
Inadequately active41.4 (2.41)*27.5 (1.64)*58.1 (2.55)*30.0 (2.64)*
Active47.8 (1.69)33.0 (1.89)65.7 (2.26)38.2 (2.27)
Inadequately active40.3 (2.46)*27.1 (1.68)*56.6 (3.01)*30.3 (2.74)*
Two categories
Active48.2 (1.75)33.9 (2.04)66.4 (2.41)40.0 (2.21)
Inadequately active41.7 (2.00)*27.6 (1.58)*58.6 (2.33)*30.9 (2.53)*