Table 2

Numbers of injuries to elite Australian rugby union players by anatomical site

Head/face7273863 36 (25.1%)
Neck0021011 5 (3.5%)
Shoulder0023130 9 (6.3%)
Upper arm0010100 2 (1.4%)
Elbow0010000 1 (0.7%)
Lower arm0000101 2 (1.4%)
Wrist/hand0033200 8 (5.6%)
Chest1000001 2 (1.4%)
Lumbar spine0110011 4 (2.8%)
Groin0001210 4 (2.8%)
Hip0001110 3 (2.1%)
Thigh2270341 19 (13.6%)
Knee2063621 20 (14.0%)
Lower leg1010330 8 (5.6%)
Ankle0162411 15 (10.5%)
Foot/toes0021011 5 (3.5%)
Total1363918322411143 (100%)