Table 4

Logistic regression analysis of risk of bowling injury

Match typeVariableBSERisk ratio95% CI
AllHigh match overs previous week (>20)0.650.201.911.28 to 2.85
Bowling speedSpin1.0
Medium1.150.513.161.17 to 8.55
Fast medium2.160.408.694.00 to 18.90
Fast2.500.4212.195.36 to 27.70
Days played11.0
2− to 7.20
30.973.032.631.45 to 4.77
40.800.212.231.49 to 3.34
50.970.382.641.25 to 5.58
First classHigh match overs previous week0.600.2451.811.12 to 2.93
Bowling speedSpin1.0
Medium1.130.613.10.94 to 10.23
Fast medium2.110.478.23.27 to 20.63
Fast2.580.4913.25.02 to 34.73
Bowling second0.480.221.621.04 to 2.50
One dayHigh match overs previous week0.840.362.301.13 to 4.70
Bowling speedSpin1.0
Medium1.180.923.270.54 to 19.70
Fast medium2.260.739.602.28 to 40.47
Fast2.280.729.772.06 to 46.26