Table 2

Values for haematological variables before and after the match

[Hb] (g/l)HctcorrMCV (μm3)MCH (pg)[Pr] (g/l)Osm (mOsm/kg)
Values are means (SEM), n = 6 in each group.
*p  =  0.008 v pre-match value. The differences between the other pairs of data are not significant at an α level of 0.05.
[Hb], haemoglobin concentration; Hctcorr, corrected packed cell volume; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCH, mean corpuscular haemoglobin; [Pr], total plasma protein concentration; Osm, plasma osmolality.
Referees146.2 (1.5)150.2 (1.6)*37.78 (0.27)39.00 (0.26)88.45 (2.24)88.85 (2.13)29.88 (0.73)29.87 (0.72)66.4 (2.5)66.0 (2.9)299.1 (8.2)303.0 (7.0)
Assistants153.5 (4.3)151.5 (4.2)39.61 (1.10)39.05 (1.05)87.49 (1.02)87.04 (1.03)29.61 (0.30)29.48 (0.28)61.4 (1.9)70.6 (4.1)296.0 (8.1)294.3 (8.7)