Table 4

 Nature and severity of injuries as a function of their location and pathology

InjuryPlaying positionNumber of injuries (severity, assessed as days absence)
Head and neckUpper limbTrunkLower limbAll
Fractures and bone stressForwards7 (39)14 (51)3 (32)10 (91)34 (59)
Backs4 (23)9 (63)1 (10)8 (77)22 (58)
Joint (non-bone) and ligamentForwards41 (14)77 (14)68 (14)157 (27)343 (20)
Backs16 (5)54 (33)21 (27)154 (26)245 (26)
Muscle and tendonForwards6 (5)34 (20)33 (7)263 (12)336 (12)
Backs3 (5)38 (12)35 (11)297 (10)373 (11)
Laceration and skinForwards10 (6)1 (5)0 (–)4 (9)15 (7)
Backs4 (4)0 (–)0 (–)1 (3)5 (3)
Central/peripheral nervous systemForwards73 (13)5 (34)2 (6)2 (29)82 (15)
Backs46 (15)3 (43)2 (16)2 (53)53 (18)
OtherForwards6 (14)1 (161)4 (29)5 (39)16 (35)
Backs4 (8)3 (20)1 (2)2 (4)10 (10)
AllForwards143 (14)132 (21)110 (13)441 (19)826 (18)
Backs77 (12)107 (28)60 (17)464 (17)708 (18)
All220 (13)239 (24)170 (14)905 (18)1534 (18)