Table 3

 BMD in athletes competing in low impact, medium impact, and high impact sports

BMD (g/cm2)LI sports (n = 38)MI sports (n = 51)HI sports (n = 97)
The significance level of differences between the groups is age adjusted using linear regression analysis. Data are given as mean (SD). HI, high impact; LI, low impact; MI, medium impact.
*p<0.01 compared with LI sports; †p<0.05 compared with LI sports; ‡p<0.001 compared with LI and MI sports.
Total body1.17 (0.06)1.20 (0.07)*1.24 (0.10)‡
Lumbar spine (L2–L4)1.22 (0.12)1.24 (0.15)1.35 (0.16) ‡
Total femur1.08 (0.10)1.12 (0.14)1.22 (0.13) ‡
Femur neck1.05 (0.09)1.12 (0.14)*1.23 (0.13) ‡
Ward’s triangle0.97 (0.10)1.05 (0.18)†1.18 (0.16) ‡
Femur trochanter0.88 (0.09)0.91 (0.13)1.03 (0.12) ‡
Femur shaft1.26 (0.13)1.30 (0.16)1.39 (0.18) ‡