Table 1

 Massage protocol

Massage techniqueDescriptionGrade
This protocol represents the procedures followed during each of the four 7 minute 30 second massage periods. All petrissage was interspersed with effleurage grade 2 in a centripetal direction. Grading as described by Watt.15
StrokingWhole hand, one and two handed, centripetal and multidirectionalFour strokes grade 1 (very light contact to give sedative effect), 2 strokes grade 2 (slightly firmer to produce minimal effect on superficial vessels)
EffleurageWhole hand, two handed, and reinforced centripetal and centrifugalGrades 1 (sufficient depth to influence onward flow of superficial vessels), 2 (affecting deeper vessels), and 3 (reinforced)
PetrissagePicking up, whole hand, two handed V shaped, centripetal and centrifugalGrade 1 (sufficient to influence superficial vessels and on underlying structures compress superficial soft tissue) and 2 (sufficient to compress deep tissue on underlying structures and affect deeper tissue drainage)
WringingWhole hand, two handed, centripetal, centrifugal, multidirectionalGrade 1 (same as Petrissage grade)
RollingMuscle rolling, centripetalGrade 2 (muscle rolling, lifting muscle tissue, and affecting deeper structures)