Table 3

 Absolute changes in performance indices after six days of creatine loading

Creatine (n = 24)Placebo (n = 12)p Value
The differences between the two groups were compared using analysis of variance for repeated measurements, with the baseline score as a covariate. The p values for the group comparisons are shown.
RPE, rate of perceived exertion.
Strength test
Bench press (newton, mean)357910400.31
Bench press (newton, best)2173−5560.27
Leg press (newton, mean)−706413155990.87
Leg press (newton, best)−119729−1015480.62
Sprint test
5 m sprint time (s)−0.010.02−
10 m sprint time (s)
20 m sprint time (s)
Serum lactate post (mmol/l)−0.11.0−
RPE post−
Tennis test
Service (km/h, mean)26260.90
Service (km/h, best)15160.91
Forehand (km/h, mean)44450.80
Forehand (km/h, best)656120.95
Backhand (km/h, mean)35140.38
Backhand (km/h, best)34−270.065
Serum lactate post (mmol/l)−1.01.3−
RPE post−