Table 2

 Baseline values of all outcome measures by treatment group

Intermittent (n = 43)Standard (n = 46)t Valuep Value
Values are mean (SEM). Independent samples t test was used to determine statistical significance (p<0.05).
VAS, Visual analogue scale.
Subjective function (lower extremity functional scale)24.6 (1.96)22.3 (2.23)0.90.38
Pain intensity at rest (10 cm VAS)1.0 (0.16)1.7 (0.22)1.70.08
Pain intensity on activity (10 cm VAS)3.9 (0.28)4.7 (0.27)1.10.3
Swelling (cm) (figure of eight method)2.1 (0.12)2.3 (0.16)0.30.7