Table 2

 Limits of agreement comparison of oesophageal, intestinal and rectal core temperature measurements

ReferenceOesophageal vs intestinalRectal vs intestinalOesophageal vs rectal
LoABias ±95%LoABias ±95%LoABias ±95%
LoA, limits of agreement.
It would be expected with 95% probability that for a new individual from the studied population, the difference between two methods of core temperature measurement will fall within these limits.
Bias ±95% represents the mean difference between the two methods of measurement (eg, mean of oesophageal minus intestinal temperatures) and the SD of the differences multiplied by 1.96 represent 95% of differences.
*Significant systematic bias (p<0.05, identified by paired t test) between methods of measurement.
†Significant negative heteroscedasticity (p<0.05, identified by Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient).
‡Data represent the mesor of cosinor analysis—that is, mean of the oscillation over 24 h of circadian measurement.
Kolka et al13−0.45 to +0.41−0.02 (0.43)−0.27 to +0.65+0.18 (0.47)*−0.54 to +0.12−0.21 (0.33)*†
Sparling et al14+0.08 to +1.44+0.76 (0.68)*
Lee et al17−0.40 to +0.34−0.03 (0.37)−0.41 to +0.27−0.07 (0.34)*−0.35 to +0.45+0.05 (0.40)
Edwards et al18−0.60 to +0.20−0.20 (0.40)*
Gant et al19−0.37 to +0.07−0.15 (0.22)*