Table 1 Cohort studies of walking and primary prevention
SourceCountry/cohortSexAge at baseline/follow-up, yearsTotal N/no of cases, risk estimateWalking assessment/categoriesOutcomeAdjustments
LaCroix et al10USAM/F>65, 4–51645/131 (RR)Self-reported walking time (<1–>4 hours/week)CVD*†‡/all-cause mortalityAge, sex, BMI, BP ethnicity, education, income, PF, smoking, alcohol, medications
Hospital record
Wannamethee et al11UK/British Regional Heart StudyM40–59, 54311/219 (HR)Self-reported walking time (0–>1 hour/day)All-cause mortalityAge, smoking, social class, BMI, self-rated health, other PA
Medical record
Hakim et al12Hawaii/Honolulu Heart ProgramM61–81, 12707/208 (HR)Self-reported walking distance (0–>3.2 km/day)CVD*,†/all-cause mortalityAge, cholesterol, BP, DM, alcohol, fat & calorie intake, overall PA
Death record
Bijnen et al13Netherlands/Zutphen StudyM64–84, 10802/373 (HR)Self-reported walking time (0–>1 hour/week)CVD*,†/all-cause mortalityAge, smoking, alcohol, disease history
Death record
Hakim et al14Hawaii/Honolulu Heart ProgramM71–93, 2–42678/109 (HR)Self-reported walking distance (0–>2.4 km/day)CVD* (fatal & non-fatal)Age, cholesterol, BP, DM, alcohol, fat & calorie intake, overall PA
Hospital record
Manson et al15USA/Nurse’s Health StudyF40–65, 872 488/645 (RR)Self-reported walking time/pace (0–>3 hours/week; casual–fast)CVD‡ (fatal & non-fatal)Age, BMI, smoking, alcohol, menopause, hypertension, DM, vitamin & aspirin intake
Medical record
Sesso et al16USA/College Alumni Health StudyF39–69, 311564/181 (HR)Self-reported walking distance (0–>9.7 km/week)CVD‡,§,** (fatal & non-fatal)Age, BMI, hypertension, DM, smoking, overall PA
Self-report/death record
Sesso et al17USA/Harvard AlumniM39–88, 1612 516/2135 (HR)Self-reported walking distance (<5–>20 km/week)CVD‡,§,** (fatal & non-fatal)Age, BMI, hypertension, DM, smoking, alcohol, overall PA
Self-report/death record
Stessman et al18Israel/Jerusalem 70-year oldsM/F70, 6456/24 (RR)Self-reported walking time (0–>4 hours/week)All-cause mortalitySex, smoking, economic hardship, disease history
Death record
Davey Smith et al19UK/Whitehall IIM40–64, 256702/2859 (HR)Self-reported walking pace (slow–fast)CVD*†‡/all-cause mortalityAge, work grade, BMI, FEV, smoking, BP, cholesterol.
Death record
Lee et al20USA/Women’s Health StudyF>45, 539 372/244 (HR)Self-reported walking time/pace (0–>2 hours/week; normal–fast)CVD*,‡,** (fatal & non-fatal)Age, smoking, alcohol, fat intake, fibre, fruit & veg, menopause, HRT
Self-report, death record
Manson et al21USA/Women’s Health Initiative Observational StudyF50–79, 5.973 743/1896 (HR)Self-reported walking time/pace (0–>3 hours/week; casual–fast)CVD†,‡,§,¶,** (fatal & non fatal)Age, smoking, education, ethnicity, family income, BMI, WHR, alcohol, age at menopause, HRT, fat, fibre, fruit & veg intake
Medical records
Tanasescu et al22USA/Health Professional’s StudyM40–75, 1244 452/1700 (HR)Self-reported walking time/pace (0–>3 hours/week; normal–fast)CVD*,‡ (fatal & non-fatal)Age, smoking, alcohol, nutrient intake, cholesterol, DM, hypertension
Medical records, death records
Gregg et al23USA/Study of Osteoporotic FracturesF>65, 12.59518/2218 (HR)Self-reported walking (<70–>898 kcal/week)CVD*/all-cause mortalityAge, smoking, BMI, diabetes hypertension, stroke, self- rated health
Death record
Fujita et al24Japan/Miyagi CohortM/F40–64, 1041 163/1879 (HR)Self-reported walking (0–>1 hour/day)All-cause mortalityAge, sex, education, marital status, disease history, smoking, alcohol, BMI, fruit & veg intake
Death record
Noda et al25Japan/JACCM/F40–79, 9.773 265/1946 (HR)Self-reported walking time (0–>1 hour/day)CVD*†‡ mortalityAge, sex, sports time, BMI, smoking, alcohol, sleep, education, hypertension, DM, sleep, mental stress, job style, fish intake
Death record
Schnohr et al26Denmark Copenhagen City Heart StudyM/F20–93, 10–137308/1391 (HR)Self-reported walking time/pace (0–>2 hours/day; slow–fast)All-cause mortalityAge, sports activities, BMI, BP, DM, cholesterol, medication, alcohol, smoking, income, education
Death record
Matthews et al27China/Shanghai Women’s Health StudyF40–70, 5.767 143/1091 (HR)Self-reported walking (0–>10 MET hours/day)CVD*†‡/all-cause mortalityAge, marital status, income, education, alcohol, smoking, pregnancies, contraceptives, menopause, other physical activity, hypertension, DM
Death record
  • BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; CVD, cardiovascular disease (identified from *coronary heart disease endpoint, †stroke, ‡myocardial infarction, §angina pectoris, ¶congestive heart failure, **coronary revascularisation procedures); DM, diabetes mellitus; FEV, forced expiratory volume; HR, hazard ratio; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; MET, metabolic equivalent; PA, physical activity; PF, physical functioning; RR, relative risk; WHR, waist-to-hip ratio.