Table 3 Kinematic values for the right leg take-off and landing phase of the spike jump
Jump height (cm)59.0 (6.9)62.4 (8.6)57.8 (5.8)60.1 (7.2)
Plantar flexioni (°)−41.8 (6.5)−34.9 (7.0)
Knee flexioni (°)−19.1 (7.7)−17.7 (7.2)
Ankle flexion VGRF (°)2.1 (8.8)−1.3 (5.9)
Knee flexion VGRF (°)−46.6 (11.9)−36.8 (8.6)
Ankle ROMi (°)44.0 (13.5)33.6 (11.3)
Knee ROMi (°)−27.5 (8.0)−19.1 (7.5)
Maximum plantar flexion (°)−41.9 (4.5)−45.1 (5.1)
Maximum dorsal flexion (°)12.3 (4.8)13.1 (2.8)14.1 (6.0)16.4 (6.1)
Maximum knee flexion (°)−84.0 (8.4)−83.8 (2.9)−83.4 (14.7)−83.8 (8.2)
Ankle ROM (°)54.2 (5.7)58.1 (5.2)56.0 (9.9)51.3 (11.6)
Knee ROM (°)−71.2 (7.4)−75.4 (7.6)−64.3 (11.7)−66.1 (6.1)
Ankle angular velocity/(g×l0)½−5.5 (0.7)−5.8 (0.8)7.2 (1.1)7.0 (1.0)
Knee angular eccentric velocity/(g×l0)½−2.7 (0.6)−3.0 (0.4)−4.3 (0.6)−5.0 (0.8)
Knee angular concentric velocity/(g×l0)½5.8 (0.9)6.1 (0.4)
  • HP, healthy players; g, gravity; i, at the time of touch-down at landing; l0, leg length; PIP, previously injured players; ROMi, range of motion from the time of touch-down until the time of peak vertical ground reaction force; VGRF, at the time of peak vertical ground reaction force.

  • Data are mean (SD).