Table 1 Review questions and search strategies used
Review questionSearch terms
Does wearing PCECH running shoes improve distance running performance?Running + shoes + (performance or speed or acceleration or endurance or time or distance)
Does wearing PCECH running shoes decrease musculoskeletal injury rates in runners?Running + shoes + injury + (prevention or aetiology)
Does wearing PCECH running shoes decrease osteoarthritis rates in runners and ex-runners?Running + shoes + osteoarthritis + prevention
Does wearing PCECH running shoes affect the enjoyment of running?Running + shoes + enjoyment
Does wearing PCECH running shoes improve compliance with prescribed physical activity?Running + shoes + (exercise prescription or exercise therapy)
Does wearing PCECH running shoes improve total physical activity levels?Running + shoes + (physical activity or physical fitness or motor activity)
What is the overall effect of wearing PCECH shoes during running on health & wellbeing?Running + shoes + (quality of life or mortality or morbidity)