Table 3

Baseline and final outcome measures (n = 126)

Variable*p Value†GE(n = 66)FR (n = 26)NEC (n = 34)
Fluid intelligence
    Similarities0.03616.1 (5.1)18.9 (5.1)16.4 (5.6)17.8 (4.5)15.9 (5.6)15.8 (5.4)
    Arithmetic0.0119.3 (3.7)10.0 (3.9)8.8 (2.9)8.8 (3.3)9.8 (3.1)9.3 (3.3)
    PC0.83810.1 (3.9)11.1 (3.6)10.0 (4.8)9.5 (5.8)9.5 (4.1)11.0 (4.0)
Executive functioning
    TMT-B0.6258.0 (33.2)55.2 (38.2)78.6 (55.0)80.4 (66.4)59.4 (40.4)57.1 (41.0)
    Stroop-CW0.5869.4 (27.6)72.6 (26.2)55.4 (39.4)55.0 (41.2)72.0 (26.22)75.8 (27.0)
    COWAT0.10432.8 (11.1)36.4 (11.4)33.3 (10.2)36.4 (9.3)30.3 (11.3)31.9 (13.7)
Visual, verbal and working memory
    DS0.79435.0 (10.2)35.9 (10.8)29.1 (9.9)28.7 (10.0)32.3 (9.6)33.6 (11.1)
    DSF0.6437.3 (2.2)7.2 (2.1)8.0 (2.5)7.5 (2.3)6.6 (1.7)6.6 (2.1)
    DSB0.0265.7 (1.8)6.2 (2.1)6.2 (1.6)6.5 (2.0)5.5 (1.5)5.5 (1.6)
    VISPA0.0638.9 (3.3)9.1 (4.7)8.2 (4.0)9.8 (4.0)6.8 (4.0)8.3 (4.1)
    VERPA0.40414.2 (4.4)15.2 (4.1)13.7 (3.9)14.4 (4.4)13.6 (3.7)14.5 (4.3)
    GDS0.0735.4 (3.9)5.3 (3.8)8.4 (5.4)8.5 (4.8)6.3 (4.2)6.2 (5.3)
    PANAS-N0.34113.6 (3.9)13.9 (5.7)16.2 (5.5)15.3 (4.2)14.4 (4.8)15.1 (6.0)
    PANAS-P0.02931.5 (7.2)33.4 (7.1)26.6 (8.6)29.6 (5.7)32.1 (8.9)31.8 (7.9)
  • COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; DS, digit symbol; DSB, digit span backward; DSF, digit span forward; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; PANAS-N, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - negative aspects; PANAS-P, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – positive aspects; PC, Picture Completion; Stroop-CW, Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Colour–Word Test; ; TMT-B, Trail Making Test (part B);VERPA, verbal paired associates; VISPA, visual paired associates.

  • †Univariate analyses adjusting for pre-test scores, age and cluster.

  • High values for similarities, arithmetic, picture completion, digit symbol, visual paired associates, verbal paired associates, digit span forward, digit span backward and controlled oral word association indicate better cognitive performance.

  • Low values for Stroop-CW and Trail Making Test (Part B) indicate better cognitive performance.

  • Low values for GDS and PANAS-N indicate better mood.

  • High values for PANAS-P indicate better mood.