Table 2

Number (n), proportions (%) and rates of injuries (per 1000 athletes) in different sports

Registered athletesInjuriesIllnesses
Female (n)Male (n)Total (n)Femalen (%)Male n (%)Total n (%)Female n (%)Male n (%)Total n (%)
 Bob4211715910 (24)20 (17)32 (20)2 (5)5 (4)7 (4)
 Skeleton1928471 (5)1 (4)3 (6)1 (4)5 (11)
 Luge29791081 (3)1 (1)2 (2)4 (14)2 (3)7 (6)
Curling50501004 (4)4 (4)7 (14)3 (6)10 (10)
Ice hockey16827644438 (23)44 (16)82 (18)17 (10)8 (3)25 (6)
 Figure737314612 (16)9 (12)21 (14)10 (14)6 (8)18 (12)
 Short track55541095 (9)15 (28)20 (18)4 (7)3 (6)10 (9)
 Speed83931765 (6)5 (3)15 (18)6 (6)22 (13)
Alpine and snowboarding
 Alpine13317530820 (15)21 (12)46 (15)5 (4)7 (4)13 (4)
  Cross3533688 (23)5 (15)13 (19)2 (6)2 (3)
  Aerials2324476 (26)3 (13)9 (19)1 (4)1 (2)
  Moguls2730571 (3)1 (2)
  Cross22355716 (73)4 (11)20 (35)4 (18)1 (3)6 (11)
  Half pipe3039694 (13)5 (13)9 (13)2 (7)2 (5)4 (6)
  Slalom2930592 (7)2 (7)4 (7)2 (7)1 (3)4 (7)
Nordic skiing
 Biathlon981042021 (1)2 (2)3 (1)8 (8)15 (14)23 (11)
 Cross country1291632928 (6)1 (1)9 (3)5 (4)12 (7)20 (7)
 Ski jumping67673 (4)3 (4)1 (1)1 (1)
 Nordic combined52521 (2)1 (2)4 (7)4 (7)
Total104515222567137 (13)*142 (9)*287 (11)91 (9)78 (5)182 (7)
  • * Information is missing for eight injuries.

  • Information is missing for 16 illnesses.

  • Information is missing for three illnesses.