Acronym | Society/organisation | Country/region | Age, years |
EUROFIT10 | Council of Europe Committee for the Development of Sport | Europe | 6–18 |
FITNESSGRAM11 | The Cooper Institute | USA | 5–17 |
PCHF12 | President's Challenge: Health Fitness. The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports/American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (AAHPER) | USA | 6–17 |
PCPF13 | President's Challenge: Physical Fitness. The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports/American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (AAHPER) | USA | 6–17 |
AAUTB14 | Amateur Athletic Union Test Battery. Chrysler Foundation/Amateur Athletic Union | USA | 6–17 |
YMCAYFT15 | YMCA Youth Fitness Test | USA | 6–17 |
NYPFP16 | National Youth Physical Program. The United States Marines Youth Foundation | USA | 5–17 |
HRFT17 | Health-Related Fitness Test, American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (AAHPER) | USA | 5–18 |
Physical Best18 | American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (AAHPER) | USA | 5–18 |
IPFT19 | International Physical Fitness Test (United States Sports Academic/General Organization of Youth and Sport of Bahrain) | USA | 9–19 |
CAHPER-FPT II20 | Fitness Performance Test II. Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (CAHPER) | Canada | 7–69 |
CPAFLA21 | The Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness & Lifestyle Approach (Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology) | Canada | 15–69 |
NFTP-PRC22 | National Fitness Test Program in the Popular Republic China (China's National Sport and Physical Education Committee) | China | 9–19+ |
NZFT23 | New Zealand Fitness Test. Rusell/Department of Education | New Zealand | 6–12 |
AFEA24 | Australian Fitness Education Award. The Australian Council for Health, Education and Recreation, ACHER | Australia | 9–19 |
YMCA, Young Men's Christian Association.