Table 1

Criteria list for the assessment of the methodological quality score of studies on the prevention of lateral ankle ligament injuries

Are relevant subject characteristics described?
 Level of sports activity (eg, amateur or professional)0/1
 Time of sports activities (eg, h/week or min/week)0/1
Is a randomisation procedure mentioned?0/1
Are the intervention and control groups homogenous with regard to the subject characteristics?0/1
Is a definition for ‘injury’ given?0/1
Are testing or intervention procedures described and performed in sufficient detail?
 Applied preventive measure0/1
 Time span of intervention0/1
 Control of compliance to the intervention0/1
Are the research design and statistical analysis sufficient?
 Statistical analysis is consistent with the research design0/1
 Corrected for accurate variables0/1
 Are all relevant statistical outcomes presented (eg, mean, SD, p value)?0/1
Are the dropouts described for each group separately?0/1