Violette,50 USA | American football, 12–18 years, n=466 | Weight and height, grip strength, pubertal status | Injured players shorter, lighter and less mature, more likely to be injured when playing against age-matched, heavier, more mature players |
Backous,49 Norway | Football (soccer), 6–17 years, n=1139 | Height, grip strength | Significantly higher proportion of injuries in mature (tall/weak boys) compared with the immature (short/weak) or mature (tall/strong) boys |
Linder,48 USA | American football, 11–15 years, n=340 | Tanner staging | Tanner 3, 4, 5 associated with higher incidence of injury |
Michaud,47 Switzerland | Multiple sports, 9–19 years, n=3609 | Self-reported Tanner staging | Tanner stage 4, 5 associated with higher incidence of injury |
Malina,51 Portugal | American football, 9–14 years, n=678 | Percentage of predicted mature height | No association between maturity status and injury risk |
Le Gall,6 France | Elite football (soccer), 12–14 years | Skeletal age by x-ray | No difference in overall injury incidence between players of di ering maturity status, higher incidence of major injuries in biologically less mature athletes |
Johnson,7 UK | Elite football (soccer), 9–16 years | Skeletal age by x-ray | No effect of maturity status alone. Maturity status, playing and training time collectively explained 48% of variation in injury rates |