Table 5

Environmental correlates of sedentary behaviour

Sedentary behaviour
Season/temperature+17 (Fall)++
49(Temp)13 (Summer)
o20, 51oo
Region (urban)+16, 64++
o20, 51oo
Community environment
 Availability of PA/recreation facilitieso49, 67, 69oo13
 Sidewalk/street connectivityo67, 69
 Cohesiveness50, 52
 Residential stability81
 Crime safety50, 52
o51, 69oo
 Hills in the neighborhood+69
School type
 Public (vs private)+17++
 More affluent (vs less affluent)49
Household environment
 No. of TVs/computers+17, 56, 63, 65, 67, 71++
o57, 80oo
 TV/computer in child's bedroom+16, 23, 63, 71++
  • * Includes TV/video viewing, playing PC/video games and using computer.

  • Includes texting, talking on the phone, listening to music, reading, studying and doing homework.

  • +, positive association; −, negative association; o, null association.

  • PA, physical activity; SED, sedentary behaviour.