Table 4

Pre-race and post-race as well as absolute and relative changes in the serum sodium concentrations [Na+] and weight in the non-cramping (NC) and cramping (CR) triathletes during the Ironman triathlon

NC group (n=166)CR group (n=43)p Value
Pre-race [Na+] (mmol/l)139.8±1.8 (155)139.8±1.5 (38)0.982
Post-race [Na+] (mmol/l)140.2±3.4 (124)139.6±2.5 (33)0.287
Absolute change [Na+] (mmol/l)0.5±3.7 (124)−0. 2±2.5 (33)0.298
Relative change [Na+] (%)0.4±2.6 (124)−0.1±1.9 (33)0.836
Pre-race weight (kg)76.7±11.1 (151)78.1±12.1 (41)0.470
Post-race weight (kg)73.9±10.6 (154)74.9±10.3 (40)0.610
Absolute weight change (kg)−2.4±1.5 (139)−2.2±1.5 (38)0.362
Relative weight change (%)−3.1±1.9 (139)−2.8±1.8 (38)0.252
  • Values are expressed as average±SD, with the number of subjects (n) with non-missing data in parentheses.