Table 3

Psychosocial correlates of sedentary behaviour

Sedentary behaviour
Confidence to reduce TV time69
Future expectations to school achievement55
Importance place on general health55
Spiritual/religious belief on health behaviour55, 78
Family support for encourage PA/discourage SED+54, 69++
Parent limit/rules on screen time23, 52, 63, 69
Parental perceptions
 Importance of child PA54, 79
 Child interest in PA13
 Safety concern+++46
 Concerns for excess TVo16oo
 Their own fitness54
 No. of active friend70
  • * Includes TV/video viewing, playing PC/video games and using computer.

  • Includes texting, talking on the phone, listening to music, reading, studying and doing homework.

  • +, positive association; −, negative association; o, null association.

  • PA, physical activity.