Table 1

Succinct summary of data abstraction form providing study inclusion and exclusion criteria and categories used during the data abstraction process

Inclusion criteriaLanguage:English
Topic:Injury prevention
Outcome:Injury rates or injury risk
Age categories*<18; 18–24; ≥25
Injury history*Recurrent:Specifically mentions recurrence, re-injury, second injury
First-time:All other articles
Study designRandomised controlled trial; crossover; pre-post; cohort; case-series, cross-sectional
Intervention type*Equipment:Stability device (eg, athletic tape, shoe type, wrist guards, ski boots); attenuation device (eg, shock absorbing insoles, safety balls, impact bases); head/face protectors; other (eg, playing surface, thigh protector)
Training:Balance/coordination (eg, wobble board, balance foam); strength/power (eg, plyometric, eccentric); stretching (eg, stretching affects on position sense, reflex activity); other (eg, proper landing technique, supervised training feedback instructions, verbal instruction)
Injury location*Head/neck/spine; trunk; upper extremity; lower extremity; other
Injury type*Central–peripheral nervous system (eg, concussion, nerve, spinal cord compression, brain); contusion–laceration–abrasion; fracture–bone stress; joint (non-bone)-ligament (eg, sprains, cartilage, patello-femoral syndrome); muscle–tendon; other (eg, soreness)
Sport typeSee appendix 1
  • * Where articles included more than one category, we used all relevant categories.