Table 1

Exertional death rates with and without sickle cell trait

NCAA Athletes 2004 to 2008
Number of athletes 2004 to 2008Estimated number of athletes with SCTAnnual risk of death for all athletes related to SCTRisk of exertional death in athletes with SCTEstimated number of athletes without SCTNumber of exertional deaths in athletes without SCTRisk of exertional death in athletes without SCTRR of exertional death in those with SCT versus those without
All ethnicities
All divisions, all sports1 969 66323 529393 93347061 946 1342869 50515
Division I athletes all sports788 03312 512157 6072502775 5211648 47019
All divisions, football athletes308 042743261 6081486300 610742 94429
Division I football athletes126 447413425 289827122 313430 57837
Black athletes
All divisions, all sports297 91120 85459 5824171277 0571321 3125
Division I athletes all sports164 49011 51432 8982303152 976819 1228
All divisions, football athletes101 450710220 290142094 349423 58717
Division I football athletes57 488402411 49880553 464317 82122
Non-black athletes
All divisions, all sports1 671 75226751 669 07715111 272
Division I athletes all sports623 543998622 545788 935
All divisions, football athletes206 592331206 261368 754
Division I football athletes68 95911068 849168 849
  • SCT, sickle cell trait;

  • NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association;