Table 1

Player characteristics and compliance with the return-to-play regulation postconcussion

Player compliance with return-to-play regulation postconcussion
Yes (n=8)No (n=142)Total (n=150)Pearson's χ2
Player characteristicn (%)n (%)n (%)Statisticdfp Value
Age (years)
  15–202 (4)48 (96)50 (33)1.2220.544
  1–265 (8)61 (92)66 (44)
  27+1 (3)33 (97)34 (23)
Competition level
  Schoolboy0 (0)21 (100)21 (14)3.220.202
  Suburban6 (9)63 (91)69 (46)
  Grade2 (3)58 (97)60 (40)
Impulsivity score
  Low–medium7 (6)111 (94)118 (79)0.2110.647
  High1 (4)26 (96)27 (18)
  Missing data0 (0)5 (100)5 (3)
Years of rugby experience
  0–82 (5)35 (95)37 (25)0.0110.925
  >86 (6)97 (94)103 (69)
  Missing data0 (0)10 (100)10 (7)
Principal player position
  Forward4 (6)61 (94)65 (43)010.982
  Back4 (6)62 (94)66 (44)
  Missing data0 (0)19 (100)19 (13)
Training hours per week
  <32 (6)33 (94)35 (23)010.64
  3+6 (6)99 (94)105 (70)
  Missing data0 (0)10 (100)10 (7)
Regular use of headgear
  No5 (5)93 (95)98 (65)0.2610.609
  Yes3 (7)38 (93)41 (27)
  Missing data0 (0)11 (100)11 (8)
Concussion in previous 12 months*
  No7 (7)93 (93)100 (67)1.0710.3
  Yes1 (2)39 (98)40 (27)
  Missing data0 (0)10 (100)10 (7)
Timing of most recent concussion in previous 12 months
  0–7 months prior to baseline1 (6)17 (94)18 (45)1.0310.31
  8–12 months prior to baseline0 (0)18 (100)18 (45)
  Missing data0 (0)4 (100)4 (10)
 Number of concussions in previous 12 months
  10 (0)18 (100)18 (45)0.8410.36
  2+1 (4)21 (96)22 (55)
  • Missing data refers to baseline questionnaire player characteristics or if the participant played the last game of the season and therefore missing return-to-play compliance data.

  • * Concussion sustained in the 12 months prior to entering the study in any football code.

  • Only participants answering ‘yes’ to a history of concussion in the previous 12 months were included in this variable.