Table 2

HRs* (and 95% CI) for all-cause mortality before 1 October 2009, by physical activity at baseline. The left columns show data from the entire sample, the right columns show data after excluding deaths in the first 2 years of follow-up.

Entire sampleExcluding deaths in years 1 and 2
Number of deaths18074705Men:women ratio16564214Men:women ratio
Physical activity (MET min/week)HR(95% CI)HR(95% CI)HR(95% CI)HR(95% CI)HR(95% CI)HR(95% CI)
None (0)
Very low (1–<300)0.67(0.58 to 0.76)0.95(0.83 to 1.08)1.47(1.29 to 1.66)0.71(0.62 to 0.82)1.00(0.87 to 1.14)1.49(1.31 to 1.71)
Low (300–<450)0.59(0.48 to 0.71)0.86(0.76 to 0.98)1.32(1.17 to 1.49)0.60(0.49 to 0.74)0.86(0.75 to 0.98)1.27(1.12 to 1.45)
Moderate (450–<600)0.56(0.46 to 0.68)0.88(0.78 to 0.99)1.35(1.20 to 1.51)0.59(0.49 to 0.72)0.90(0.80 to 1.02)1.35(1.20 to 1.52)
Moderate-high (600–<1050)0.53(0.45 to 0.62)0.81(0.74 to 0.89)1.24(1.14 to 1.35)0.55(0.47 to 0.65)0.84(0.77 to 0.92)1.25(1.15 to 1.37)
High (1050–<1500)0.60(0.50 to 0.72)0.78(0.71 to 0.86)1.21(1.11 to 1.32)0.63(0.52 to 0.77)0.82(0.74 to 0.90)1.22(1.11 to 1.34)
Very high (≥1500)0.52(0.44 to 0.62)0.73(0.67 to 0.79)1.12(1.04 to 1.22)0.56(0.47 to 0.67)0.75(0.69 to 0.83)1.13(1.04 to 1.23)
  • * Adjusted for age, marital status, education, body mass index, smoking, alcohol and chronic disease.

  • MET, metabolic equivalent.