Table 1

Normative athlete data for key LV, RV and left atrium dimensions including selected references since Pluim et al's meta-analysis in 2000

CitationAthletes (n)LVM (g)IVSd (mm)LVDd (mm)LVPWd (mm)RVI (mm)RVOT (mm)LAD (mm)LAvol (ml)LAvolI (ml/m2)
La Gerche24Cyclists/runners (40)11.0±1.556±5
Oxborough25Cyclists/runners (n=102)220±52 (118–377)11.0±1.5 (8.0–13.0)53±5 (42–62)11.0±1.6 (8.0–13.0)44±5 (30–55)34±5 (26–49)40±4 (29–54)65±17 (37–111)32±8 (20–58)
George21Ultramarathoners (M=126, F=39)M: 193±42 (106–300)M: 11.0±2.0 (8.0–14.0)M: 53±4 (46–62)M: 10.0±1.0 (7.0–12.0)37±4 (25–47)
F: 134±25 (89–186)F: 10.0±1.0 (6.0–12.0)F: 49±3 (42–55)F: 8.0±1.0 (6.0–10.0)
D'Andrea26Mixed (395)9.7±3.19.2±2.138±5 (32–45)31±6 (25–38)29±9
Wilhelm27Runners (M=60, F=61)M: 11.2±1.1M: 10.7±1.0M: 56±6M: 29±7
F: 9.2±1.1F: 9.2±1.3F: 50±3F: 30±6
Abergel23Cyclists (286)11±1.360±410.0±1.0
Nagashima19Ultramarathoners (291)10.2±1.9 (5.0–19.0)62±7 (42–75)10.0±1.4 (5.0–15.0)40±5 (26–49)
Pluim15Mixed meta-analysis (413)249±15 (233–264)10.5±0.4 (10.1–10.9)54±9 (53–55)10.3±0.3 (10.0–10.6)
  • Data are mean±SD and (range) where applicable.

  • LVM, left ventricular mass; IVSd, interventricular septal thickness at end-diastole; LVDd, LV internal dimension at end-diastole; LVPWd, LV posterior wall thickness at end-diastole; RVI, right ventricular inflow dimension; RVOT, RV outflow tract dimension; LAD, left atrial diameter; LAVol, LA volume; LAVolI, LAVol index; M, males; F, females; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; LA, left atrium.