Table 1

Protocol used for clinical tests in the included studies

TestAuthorsProtocolPositive findings
Squeeze testNussbaum et al16Patient sitting over side of the bed. Compression of fibula to the tibia above the midpoint of the calfPain over area of the syndesmosis ligaments
Alonso et al36
Beumer et al26
Dorsiflexion with compression testAlonso et al36Patient standing and actively dorsiflexing the ankle. Performed once unassisted and once with the therapist applying a manual compressive force to the malleoliSignificant increase in ankle range of motion when compression added, or decreased pain at end of range when compression added
Dorsiflexion range of motionBeumer et al26Application of passive dorsiflexionReduced dorsiflexion range of motion compared with contralateral ankle
External rotation testAlonso et al36Participant sitting over side of the bed. Application of a passive external rotation stress to affected foot and ankle with the knee at 90°and ankle in neutralPain over the syndesmosis ligaments
Beumer et al26
Nussbaum et al16Performed with the ankle passively and maximally dorsiflexed in external rotation on a fixed lower legReproduction of pain along the syndesmosis
PalpationNussbaum et al16Palpation over anterior tibiofibular ligamentReport of pain after pressing directly over the ligament
Alonso et al36
Cotton testBeumer et al26Distal tibia stabilised and lateral force applied to the footIncreased lateral translation of the talus from medial to lateral compared with contralateral side
Fibula translationBeumer et al26Apply anterior–posterior translation of the fibulaAnteroposterior displacement of the fibula is greater than contralateral side
Anterior drawerBeumer et al26Not describedUsed as a differential diagnosis between lateral collateral instability and syndesmosis instability