Table 2

Player availability, injuries and team performance

Player availability (%)
 Match total86.04.785.974.5–95.4
  League match86.65.186.574.8–96.4
  UCL or EL match86.75.187.375.8–95.8
 Number of injuries/team/season*
  Match play29.312.5296–63
 Injury incidence per 1000 h
  Match play26.610.726.66.7–57.0
 Injury burden†130.052.7135.615.6–238.5
Team performance
 Final league ranking3.02.621–15
 Points per league match2.–2.8
 UEFA Season club coefficient17.88.917.60–38.4
  • *Value was approximated to an 11-month season in case a partial season was included (ie, number of training sessions reported/number of months of data reporting×11).

  • †Injury days lost/1000 h (injury incidence×mean absence per injury).

  • EL, Europa League; UCL, UEFA Champions League; UEFA, Union of European Football Associations.