Table 3

Frequency and proportion of all time-loss injuries in 166 adult track and field athletes (females n=90, males n=76) during 1 year by diagnosis and body part

Body regionNon-traumatic injuryTraumatic injuryTotal (n)Proportion (% (95% CI))
Gradual onset injurySudden onset injury
Inflammation and painStress fractureSprain, strain or ruptureJoint derangementFractureDislocationOpen wound/contusion superficialInternal
Vertebral column
 Head, face0000000000000000000001121/121 (0 to 2)
 Cervical, thoracic2130002680000000000000004/7113 (1 to 6)
 Lumbar, pelvis, sacrum1672313453810100000000000023/133611 (8 to 16)
 Abdomen0000001230000000000000001/231 (0 to 3)
  Shoulder0440000330000111010000001/893 (1 to 5)
  Upper arm, elbow3140000550000000000000003/693 (1 to 5)
  Forearm, wrist, hand2020002240000000000000004/262 (1 to 4)
  Hip, groin, thigh20133300016254101100000020200038/397725 (20 to 30)
  Knee, lower leg291847123371040400000001100037/286521 (16 to 26)
  Achilles tendon, ankle, foot/toe29265531412162800000010115600046/489430 (25 to 36)
Unclassified by site
 Others and unspecified0000000000000000000000000/00 (0 to 1)
Total (n)1017017156114169110516011202369112312
Proportion (% (95% CI))55 (49 to 60)3 (0 to 3)35 (30 to 41)2 (1 to 4)0 (0 to 2)1 (0 to 2)3 (1 to 5)1 (1 to 5)
  • F, number of females; M, number of males; Tot, total number of injuries.