Table 1

Demographic and clinical information on all participants (N=25)

Mean (SD) or N(%)
Demographic information
Gender (female)9 (36%)
Age (years)41.5 (13.8)
Height (cm)172.5 (9.5)
Weight (kg)78.1 (14.0)
Work status
 At work (or studying)21 (84%)
 Off-work due to LBP3 (12%)
 Off-work other reasons1 (4%)
Clinical status
Duration of LBP (years)6.7 (11.5)
Pain area
 Back pain only17 (68%)
 Back pain and leg pain8 (32%)
Taking opioid medication2 (8%)
Average back pain intensity (0–10)4.9 (1.5)
Disability (RMDQ*, 0–24)9.6 (5.9)
Pain Catastrophisation (PCS†, 0–52)16.0 (12.1)
Kinesiophobia (TSK‡ 17–68)31.4 (7.4)
Depression (DASS-21§ 0–42)8.6 (10.8)
Anxiety (DASS-21§ 0–42)5.4 (7.1)
  • *The Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire.

  • †The Pain Catastrophizing Scale.

  • ‡Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia.

  • §Depression Anxiety Stress Scale—21.

  • LBP, low back pain.