Table 6

Evidence and theory informed, context-specific strategies developed to enhance the ADOPTION of the Mayday Safety Procedure (MSP) among community rugby coaches

Diffusion stage: adoption
Performance objectives: PO1–PO4
Change objectivesIntervention strategiesDiffusion of innovations construct used to inform strategy development
Knowledge: K1–K3
Beliefs: B1–B8
Environment: E1–E6
  • ▸ ARU develop MSP training package and incorporates package into existing coach accreditation training course

  • ▸ ARU secure and promote RRUA support for MSP training

  • ▸ ARU liaise with RRUA and clubs to develop calendar of coach training events

  • ▸ ARU and clubs use traditional and innovative methods to invite coaches to attend MSP training

  • ▸ ARU deliver coach MSP training courses using opinion leaders

  • ▸ ARU work with RRUA to develop and disseminate MSP policy and amend RRUA by-laws to require player MSP competency and incorporate the role of referees in monitoring player competency

  • ▸ ARU work with RRUA to develop and disseminate Club Safety Coordinator position description

  • ▸ Compatibility: link coach MSP training to SmartRugby accreditation and current coaching ideas

  • ▸ Multiple communication channels: use multimedia and inter-personal communication channels to disseminate MSP information and encourage coaches to attend MSP training

  • ▸ Relative advantage: identify and promote relative advantage of coaches attending MSP training (eg, accreditation, develop knowledge and skills to ensure player safety, learn skills to motivate players and work with small groups)

  • ▸ Complexity: ensure it is easy for coaches to attend and participate in MSP training

  • ▸ Opinion leaders: target high profile and respected clubs and coaches to participate in early coach MSP training sessions; identify and employ high profile coach trainer to deliver MSP training

  • ▸ Trialability and observability: ensure coach training includes several opportunities to try and observe peers delivering MSP training

  • ▸ Continuum of innovativeness: use different strategies to promote attendance at MSP training to different levels of adopters

  • ▸ Use of Change Agent: ARU development officer and club safety champions liaise with RRUA, clubs and coaches about coach MSP training

  • ARU, Australian Rugby Union represented by regional development staff; RRUA, Regional Rugby Union Association.