Table 2

Sport participation pattern and participants’ characteristics according to their study shoes (hard midsole vs soft midsole)

CharacteristicsUnit/qualifierRunners with hard-SS (n=113)Runners with soft-SS (n=134)p Value
Participants’ characteristics
 SexMale57 (50.4%)79 (59.0%)0.200
Female56 (49.6%)55 (41.0%)
 Previous injury*Yes33 (30.0%)36 (27.3%)0.670
No77 (70.0%)96 (72.7%)
 Running experience†Years10.8±10.88.1±9.80.048
 Regular runner (previous 12 months)Yes90 (79.6%)109 (81.3%)0.749
No23 (20.4%)25 (18.7%)
Sport participation pattern
 Sessions with SSPercentage of total sessions90.2±17.892.3±15.10.325
 Other sportsh/week1.30±1.891.37±1.810.760
 Running frequencySessions/week1.87±0.981.78±0.860.445
 Weekly running volumeh1.85±1.211.86±1.270.934
 Weekly mean distancekm/week18.3±12.617.9±13.10.813
 Mean session durationMin58±1959±180.605
 Mean session intensityau3.8±0.83.8±0.90.605
 Mean speedkm/h9.7±1.349.4±1.480.167
 Run hard surfacePercentage of total sessions63.8±29.762.1±31.70.667
  • *Five missing data.

  • †Two missing data.

  • au, arbitrary unit; BMI, body mass index; SS, study shoes.