Table 2

Group mean (SD) values and the difference between barefoot and shod conditions

BarefootShodMean difference95% CI of differenceSMD
Stride length (m)2.94 (0.29)3.01 (0.30)−0.08−0.09 to −0.060.2
Stride frequency (steps/min)187.7 (9.5)183.9 (8.6)3.82.5 to 5.20.4
Ankle dorsiflexion at contact (°)0.78 (8.4)4.25 (8.5)−3.5−4.98 to −1.970.4
Peak knee flexion angle (°)48.5 (3.4)50.7 (3.8)−2.1−2.7 to −1.50.6
Peak knee extensor moment (Nm/kg)3.0 (0.4)3.3 (0.4)−0.27−0.35 to −0.190.7
Peak utilised contact area (mm2)244.2 (1.3)244.5 (0.84)−0.32−0.60 to −0.030.3
Peak PFJ reaction force (N/kg)67.5 (10.9)76.4 (12.2)−8.9−11.0 to −6.80.8
Peak PFJ stress (MPa)18.2 (4.3)20.6 (4.8)−2.4−3.0 to −1.80.5
  • PFJ, patellofemoral joint; SMD, standardised mean difference.