Table 1

Patellofemoral pain diagnosis checklist

Inclusion itemsExclusion items
PaperClear definition of locationInsidious onset unrelated to traumaSymptoms consistent with diagnosisPrevious knee surgeryInternal derangementLigamentous instabilityOther sources of anterior knee painTotal score
Baldon et al11111117
Bazett-Jones et al11101116
Bolgla et al11111106
Boling et al11101105
Boling et al11111016
Cichanowski et alU1U11115
Cowan et al11111117
Dierks et al10101104
Earl and Hoch11111117
Ferber et al11111117
Finnoff et al10110003
Ireland et al11111106
Magalhaes et al10111116
McMoreland et al11111106
Nakagawa et al11111106
Nakagawa et al11111106
Piva et al1111*1117
Rathleff et al11111117
Roach et al11111106
Robinson et al11111106
Souza et al10111116
Souza et al10111116
Thijs et al11111117
Willson et al111000U3
  • 1=yes, 0=no and U=undetermined.

  • *Limited to previous 2 years.