Table 1

Nature of scrum acute spinal cordinjuries and outcome of injury within 1 month after the injury (2008–2012)

Nature of injuryNOutcome of injury within 1 month after injury
C2/C3 dislocation1Residual damage but can walk without assistive devices
C2/C3 incomplete1No apparent residual damage and full recovery expected
C3/C4 fracture dislocation1Quadriplegia and wheelchair users
C4/C5 dislocation1Residual damage but can walk without assistive devices
C4/C5 fracture dislocation3No apparent residual damage and full recovery expected
Residual damage but can walk without assistive devices
Quadriplegia and wheelchair users
C4/C5 fracture dislocation and C4 central cord syndrome1Residual damage but can walk without assistive devices
C4/C5 bifacet fracture dislocation1Quadriplegia and wheelchair users
C5 lamina and spinal process fracture1Residual damage but can walk without assistive devices
C5/C6 fracture dislocation2Quadriplegia and wheelchair users
C5/C6 bifacet dislocation2Quadriplegia and wheelchair users
Not provided
C5/C6 fracture dislocation with considerable spinal cord damage1Quadriplegia and wheelchair users
C6 fracture1Not provided
C6/C7 bilateral facet dislocation1Residual damage but can walk without assistive devices
C6/C7 dislocation1Quadriplegia and wheelchair users
L3/L4 disc prolapse1Not provided
T2/T3 plate fractures1No apparent residual damage and full recovery expected