Table 7

Exploratory multivariate logistic regression predicting climbing injury

Risk factorsAdjusted OR (95% CI)
Climbing level
 Elite2.19 (0.56 to 8.50)
Age group (years)
 15–1911.30 (2.33 to 54.85)*
 Lower 75%1
 Top 25th centile by age group0.37 (0.10 to 1.35)
Sport climbing grade (n=101; missing 15 values)
 5.11b to 5.13c1.57 (0.39 to 6.41)
Injury sustained in other sports within the previous year
 Yes6.46 (1.62 to 25.68)*
Any climbing helmet use within the previous year
 Yes1.27 (0.36 to 4.47)
Use of taping as a preventive measure
 Yes5.09 (1.44 to 18.02)*
Use of a cool-down after climbing
 Yes1.09 (0.29 to 4.08)
Other risk-taking behaviours: alcohol consumption
 Yes0.39 (0.06 to 2.50)
  • *Statistically significant at p<0.05.