Table 3

Recommendations to advance research on PPTs in sports medicine

1Convene an international consortium to standardise terminology and methodology
2Conduct adequately powered studies of inter-rater and intra-rater reliability
3Conduct adequately powered studies of validity including:
  • ▸ Construct—PPTs should address distinct constructs that are key to return to play like power, agility, motor control, and stability. PPTs should be able to detect asymmetry in these constructs in a recovering lower extremity

  • ▸ Criterion/Predictive—PPTs should contribute to models that predict injury or performance

4Closely examine PPTs as clinical outcome measures:
  • ▸ Establish the MDC and minimally important change

  • ▸ Establish the responsiveness of PPTs to changes in athlete status with injury and recovery

5Review the literature on PPTs of the upper extremity leading to:
  • ▸ Establishment of an upper extremity research agenda

  • ▸ Development of new throwing sport-specific PPTs

  • ▸ Studies of validity, reliability, responsiveness

  • MDC, minimal detectable change; PPTs, physical performance tests.