Table 2

Proposed methodologies to improve clinical assessment outcome measure reporting in studies on groin pain in athletes

VariableMethodologyOutcome measure(s)
Patient-reported outcome measures
 Self-reported hip and groin-related disabilityHAGOS17HAGOS subscale scores (0–100 points)
 Self-reported hip-related disabilityHOS21HOS subscale scores (0–100%)
 Self-reported hip-related disabilityiHOT-12;22 iHOT-3323iHOT-12 score; iHOT-33 score (0–100 points)
 Adductor strengthIsometric adductor strength testing24Weak/intermediate/strong
Adductor squeeze test25–27Adductor squeeze test value as quantified on sphygmomanometer
Isometric adductor strength testing with HHD28Force output on HHD (N/kg/pounds)
Eccentric adductor strength testing with HHD29Force output on HHD (N/kg/pounds)
 Hip flexion strengthIsometric hip flexion strength testing24Weak/intermediate/strong
Isometric hip flexion strength testing with HHD28Force output on HHD (N/kg/pounds)
Range of motion
 Hip joint internal rotation ROMPassive hip joint internal rotation ROM examination27 30 31ROM (degrees) as quantified by a goniometer or inclinometer
 Hip joint external rotation ROMPassive hip joint external rotation ROM examination27 30 31ROM (degrees) as quantified by a goniometer or inclinometer
  • HAGOS, Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome Score; HHD, hand-held dynamometry; HOS, Hip Outcome Score; iHOT, International Hip Outcome Tool; ROM, range of motion.