Table 1

D&B quality assessment scores (in chronological order)

Study123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627Total D&B scoreHigh/low quality
Mozes et al15++++++++++++12Low
Smedberg et al16+++++++7Low
Martens et al17++++++++8Low
Fricker et al18+++++5Low
Polglase et al19++++++6Low
Shaker et al20+++++++++9Low
Akermark and Johansson21+++++++++9Low
Malycha and Lovell22+++++++++++++13Low
Holt et al23+++++-+++++++12Low
Simonet et al24+++++5Low
Urquhart et al25+++++5Low
Micheli and Solomon27++++++6Low
Lacroix et al29+++++++7Low
Holmich et al6+++++++++++++++++++++++23High
Brannigan et al30+++++++++++11Low
Meyers et al31+++++++++9Low
McKim and Taunton32++++++++++++++++16Low
Ekstrand and Ringborg33+++++++++9Low
Irshad et al34+++++++++++11Low
Kumar et al35++++++++++++12Low
O'Connell et al36++++++6Low
Srinivasan and Schuricht37+++++++++9Low
Biedert et al38+++++++++++11Low
Van Der Donckt et al39+++++++7Low
Genitsaris et al40++++++++8Low
Kluin et al41++++++++++++12Low
Paajanen et al42++++++++++10Low
Steele et al43++++++6Low
Susmallian et al44+++++5Low
Ahumada et al45++++++6Low
Diaco et al25++++++6Low
Topol et al47++++++++++++++++16Low
Edelman and Selesnick49++++++++8Low
Canonico et al48++++++++++++++14Low
Schilders et al50++++++++++++++14Low
Van Veen et al51++++++++++++12Low
Verrall et al52+++++++++++++13Low
Brown et al53++++4Low
Lloyd et al54++++++++++10Low
Meyers et al55++2Low
Radic and Annear56++++++++++10Low
Topol and Reeves57+++++++++++11Low
Ziprin et al58+++++++7Low
Atkinson et al59+++++++++++++13Low
Jansen et al60++++++++++++++14Low
Mann et al61++++++++++++++++16Low
Schilders et al62++++++++++++++14Low
Schlegel et al63++++++++++10Low
Weir et al64++++++++++++++++16Low
Muschaweck and Berger67++++++++++++++++16Low
Weir et al64+++++++++++++13Low
Chernyavsky et al68++++4Low
Paajanen et al42+++++++++++++++++++++21High
Robertson et al71+++++++++++11Low
Weir et al64++++++++++++++++++++++++24High
Dojcinovic et al72+++++++7Low
Jans et al73+++++++++9Low
Maffulli et al74+++++++++++++++++17Low
Messaoudi et al75+++++++7Low
Comin et al76++++++++++++++++++18Low
Economopoulos et al77++++++++++++++14Low
Garvey and Hazard78++2Low
Jakoi et al79++++++++8Low
Mei-Dan et al80++++++++++++12Low
Schilders et al81+++++++++++++++++++19High
Bernhardt et al82+++++++++9Low
Cavalli et al83++++++6Low
de Queiroz et al84+++++++++9Low
Sansone et al85+++++++++++11Low
Percentage of agreement/item948182978681949474967982791001009293859674859499999982100
  • D&B, Downs and Black.