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Computational approaches to cellular rhythms


Oscillations arise in genetic and metabolic networks as a result of various modes of cellular regulation. In view of the large number of variables involved and of the complexity of feedback processes that generate oscillations, mathematical models and numerical simulations are needed to fully grasp the molecular mechanisms and functions of biological rhythms. Models are also necessary to comprehend the transition from simple to complex oscillatory behaviour and to delineate the conditions under which they arise. Examples ranging from calcium oscillations to pulsatile intercellular communication and circadian rhythms illustrate how computational biology contributes to clarify the molecular and dynamical bases of cellular rhythms.

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Figure 1: Sustained oscillations can occur in models based on positive or negative feedback.
Figure 2: Molecular models of increasing complexity considered for circadian oscillations.
Figure 3: Effect of molecular noise on circadian oscillations.

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I thank G. Dupont, D. Gonze, B. Jacrot, J. C. Leloup and G. Oster for discussions and helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by a grant from the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Médicale, Belgium.

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Goldbeter, A. Computational approaches to cellular rhythms. Nature 420, 238–245 (2002).

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